Hello! Welcome to my website. I host a few things here, and generally use it as a staging ground for any tools/utilities I make.
My goals in making this website were pretty straightforward:
- I wanted to improve my raw CSS skills by not using a theme or major css toolkit
- I needed a place to host my project files
I wanted to use the "latest-and-greatest" javascript without compromises related to business dev:
- Javascript Modules
- WebComponents (w/out polymer)
- CSSGrid / Flexbox
- I wanted to build my own build pipeline (so I could learn how build automation tools work such as webpack / gulp)
- I wanted to build my own deployment pipeline (so I could learn about how deployments work)
Overall I'm pretty happy with how the site looks and feels. I've automated quite a bit of functionality. Its not the best looking site around, but its not designed to be.
It felt weird having an empty homepage, so here's my favourite video.